Whole Wheat Banana Nut Mini Muffins




When you have some bananas that are getting a little bit too ripe,it’s just perfect to bake a batch of fresh healthy muffins.They are wholesome with whole wheat flour,chopped walnuts,mashed bananas and chia seeds.They are perfect for breakfast with little bit of softened butter and a cup of coffee of course .They store well for couple of days when wrapped in plastic wrap and also freezer friendly.


Guacamole Dip



Simple, fresh, healthy, delicious and perfect for parties or potlucks.


Meringue Cake with Berries


Lovely clouds of meringue layered with smooth whipped cream and colorful sweet berries. This cake tastes light and heavenly.It’s always a hit at parties and perfect for spring and summer.


Cottage Cheese Pancakes


Want try something different then regular pancakes? These pancakes are fluffy,wholesome,and delicious.Adding cottage cheese just makes them delicate and somewhat hearty.You can top it off with any type of fruit you like; berries,bananas,kiwi,peaches or anything you like.You can choose from 2 homemade syrups or just use real maple syrup.



Tomato and Eggplant salad

DSC_3163Combination of tomatoes and eggplants is very popular in russian and Italian cuisine.They go perfectly together.This salad is delicious and simple to make consisting of  few ingredients.


RawFood Truffles



Eating food raw is the most healthiest diet with lots of benefits. Some of the benefits are;

1.The enzymes,vitamins and minerals are not destroyed by cooking.

2.Aids to weight loss and maintain healthy weight

3.Natural cure for disease including cancer.

4. Helps to Detoxify our bodies

5. Boost of energy

These are very delicious and you can eat as many as you want with out any guilt.A healthy alternative to regular creamy truffles.


Uzbek Manti


Uzbek Manti are steamed dumplings with different variety of fillings like spiced beef,lamb,potato,cabbage,pumpkin and meat with potato.They are very popular in Central Asian cuisines and  came to be famous in Russian cuisine as well.

We made them together with mom very often when I was growing up,and now that I’m married  I still love to get together with mom and sisters and make them as we used to.Its a great way for us to catch up on our talks, have fun and then enjoy this yummy goodness together.My personal favorite filling is beef,or beef mixed with lamb or cabbage.You’ll just love my moms recipe for this dish.They are very juicy,authentic and just the way they should be.

You will need a [amazon asin=http://www.amazon.com/Joyce-Chen-26-0054-6-Quart-Chinese/dp/B001D6WZ1C/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1372647757&sr=8-8&keywords=steamer+pot&text=steamer with sauce pot] to steam them.I also make my dough in bread maker .It’s faster and easy.But you can do it by hand as well.





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